New York DJ
Logo design mixes dance music, pop art and an El Salvador flag

Sambarella has been making New Yorkers dance for more than a decade as a professional DJ. In 2008, Sambarella was featured in New York Magazine and on LX-TV. The New York Post voted Sambarella Best DJ of NYC Latin lounges. The symbol is a fusion of Warhol-style pop art (New York), Banksy-style stencil graffiti (Queens, NY) and the El Salvador flag/colours (her birthplace). Gruv Gallery Show Poster Sambarella hosts a show called the Gruv Gallery on Viva Radio. Viva Radio is an eclectic, New York-based Internet radio station. American Apparel The Sambarella logo was modified/adapted for T-shirts and totebags available on the American Apparel wesbite (US site only). Astoria Ny Music Festival Afterparty Astoria Music Now is a festival dedicated to promoting and showcasing artists of all kinds in Astoria, NYC. The afterparty, with beats by Sambarella DJ, was held at Hell Gate Social, a bar in Astoria named after the landmark Hell Gate Bridge.